Statement - Away Tickets at Risk

The Premier League confirmed last Friday that the match between Chelsea and Manchester United will be held at 5.30pm on Saturday 22nd October after months of wrangling between broadcasters, clubs, the league and authorities over the kick-off time.

Manchester United’s away ticket allocation was then cut by 624, down to 2,370, because of policing concerns raised by London’s Metropolitan Police, to which the local authority agreed.

West Ham United Supporters’ Trust stand shoulder to shoulder with Manchester United Supporters’ Trust in their actions on the unfair and damaging reduction in the away ticket allocation for a game moved by broadcasters. If this is allowed to happen now, it will happen time and again and Hammers fans will be prevented from supporting our team at crucial away matches. Football is for fans. We're fans not criminals. Outdated and prejudiced attitudes towards football supporters need to be challenged.

Due to this interference, MUST say they are now considering legal action.
For a supporters trust to engage lawyers is always a last resort, but enough is enough” MUST said.

Legal challenge: Read MUST’s letter in full here