Our Work
The work that we do includes:
Providing advice, information and support to fans who experience a match-going issue whether home or away;
Consulting our members and the wider fanbase via surveys and feedback;
Working with the Club from board members to heads of departments, to teams and individuals including discussions around ticketing, policing, attending away matches, the Stadium, safety and safeguarding;
Working with the Club and LS185 on matters relating to matchday operations, including stewarding and catering;
Representing our members at:
West Ham United Fan Advisory Board
The Football Supporters’ Association
The Premier League
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Dedicated Football Officer (Police) and the Metropolian Police Independent Advisory Group
Football Supporters Europe
Newham Council
Working collaboratively with other West Ham supporter groups, supporter trusts across the Premier League and EFL and other fan groups on relevant supporter issues.
Media engagement - responding to requests for comment and interviews
Producing regular news, information, and advice through our website, social media, and newsletters.
Working with local community organisations including the West Ham United Foundation.
Our current work streams
WHUST has long-term strategies which run parallel with our day-to-day efforts to advocate for West Ham fans.
Fan-Led Review leading to the Football Governance Bill
We have been working on the Government’s Fan-Led Review of Football Governance since it was first announced in April 2021.
In this section you will find details of our presentation to Tracy Crouch about protecting the cultural heritage and history of a club and moving away from The Boleyn Ground.
We outline our on-going involvement over the last 2 years through to seeing details of the subsequent Football Governance Bill announced in the King’s Speech to Parliament in November 2023.
Fan Advisory Board
We work through the FAB for many of our day-to-day work relating to our members and supporters attending matches. On some issues like stewarding and safe standing our Committee members are also directly involved with the Club and other agencies.
Football Supporters’ Association and Football Supporters Europe
We work closely with the Football Supporters’ Association around issues that go beyond just the West Ham community and which affect supporters nationally. WHUST are directly represented on several of their specialist working groups and actively contribute to others.
We also liaise closely with Football Supporters Europe about issues relating to our European matches (when we play them!) and issues of concern that impact football supporters globally.
If you've any comments about the work that we are currently doing - or where there are issues that we are not currently involved in - then get in touch. We can't promise to look at everything, but between the Committee and our members we will give it a try.