Fan-led Review: A Golden Share for Supporters Trusts

The Fan-led Review of Football Governance, chaired by Tracey Crouch MP, was published today. Supporters’ groups from around 130 different clubs took part, along with the football authorities, during more than 100 hours of evidence gathering sessions.

The Report recommends:

Football clubs are a vital part of their local communities, in recognition of this there should be additional protection for key items of club heritage.

It should be a licence condition that all licenced clubs should include within their articles of association a Golden Share requiring democratic consent to proposed actions relating to identified heritage items. Each Golden Share right should have circumstances in which it will not apply.

The consent of the holder of the Golden Share should be required for the sale of the club stadium, relocation outside of the local area which is not a temporary part of a redevelopment, joining a new competition that is not approved by FIFA, UEFA and the FA and/or leaving a competition in which it currently plays, club badge, first team home colours, and club playing name.

The Golden Share should be held by a Community Benefit Society formed for the benefit of the club’s supporters operating under standardised rules set by IREF in conjunction with the FCA.