Fan-led Review: One Year On

A new report by Tracey Crouch MP, chair of the Fan Led Review of Football Governance, shows how football would benefit from its recommendations – which have still not been implemented 12 months on.

On behalf of WHUST, chair Sue Watson and board member Chris Wheal attended a meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Football Supporters in the House of Lords this morning where The Fan Led Review: One Year On was launched. It was attended by a mixture of MPs, Peers, DCMS officials, senior figures from the FSA, the FA, PL, EFL and even a club owner, as well as a good representation of Supporters Trusts.

The Fan Led Review: One Year On calls for urgent implementation of the Fan Led Review’s recommendations – to put fans at the heart of the game and protect football’s historic clubs.

You can download the Fan-led Review: One Year On here

The Fan Led Review was launched by Government following the failed European Super League plot and delivered its original findings in November 2021.

While progress continues – a Government White Paper is expected soon and sports minister Stuart Andrew said the case for reform was “not in doubt” – supporters are concerned that the top clubs are continuing to block real change.

The review’s major recommendation that an independent regulator for football should be established has still not happened. The regulator would have powers to block English clubs from joining a European Super League.

Further proposals would give supporters a bigger voice at all clubs and protect football stadiums, club badges, location, colours and competitions via a “golden share” held by democratic supporters’ groups.

Tracey Crouch MP, chair of the Fan-led Review, said: 

“In the past 12 months we have seen stark examples of the ongoing problems in the game, such as those at Derby County that threatened its existence. Yet a minority of loud, self-interested voices continue to block meaningful reform, to the detriment of the game.

“But the support for reform from fan groups, many football officials and club owners, has been incredibly encouraging and gives me hope that the Government will utilise cross-party support to deliver the change that football needs. The time for reform is now.”

Kevin Miles, chief executive of the Football Supporters’ Association, said:

“The Prime Minister confirmed on the campaign trail that he backs the Fan-led Review and sees football as ‘part of the fabric of our culture’ which must be protected, with fans at the heart of the game.

“Every week that passes reveals the risks to the sustainability of football and the inability of the game to regulate itself effectively. An independent statutory regulator is a matter of urgency.”

WHUST was part of 130 supporters’ groups that gave evidence to the original Fan Led Review panel with a clear message that action was needed. Our Chair, Sue Watson, spoke about the history of a football club and how the cultural heritage develops from that, leading into the impact of this on supporters of all generations. She described how a culture grows out of the shared stories, the memories, the rituals, songs, and the home stadium itself. However, she emphasized that the most important aspect of the cultural heritage are the supporters – while owners and shareholders come and go, supporter loyalty remains consistent.

The Government has repeatedly supported the findings of the Fan Led Review and included a commitment in May’s Queen’s Speech, delivered by the then Prince Charles.

Discussions with the Premier League and EFL continue while the FA recently brought in new rules to protect club crests and home colours – described by FSA vice chair Tom Greatrex as a “significant step forward” that “wouldn’t have happened without the Fan Led Review”.