Government commitment to football regulator

The Government has today (Thursday 7th September) published its response to the consultation on the Football Governance White Paper. 

WHUST note the Governments response to consultation on the Football Governance White Paper. The response reflects contributions made by WHUST.

The document, titled A Sustainable Future – Reforming Club Football Governance, says that “football has failed to adequately resolve these issues itself, which is why statutory regulatory intervention is required”.

The Governments recommitment to an independent Statutory regulator is welcome. WHUST also welcomes the Governments intent to make Fan Engagement a legally based requirement, assessed by the independent regulator as a condition of West Ham being granted a licence to operate.

WHUST will continue to work with FSA and Government colleagues to further clarify detailed arrangements. WHUST will press for the Parliamentary introduction of the Bill to enact the regulator as soon as possible in the new Parliamentary Session.