Season Ticket price increase

WHUST is disappointed in the Club's decision to increase Season Ticket prices for the 2023/2024 Season.  We have consistently told the Club that we do not think a price increase is in the best interests of supporters or the Club.  In a cost of living crisis, this will hit Hammers fans with yet another price hike. 

We also believe it is wrong - and could be seen as mendacious - for the Club to raise the age at which supporters become eligible for a Senior Season Ticket from 65 to 66.  While the national pension age is rising, it does not mean the Club should follow suit when the cost of living crisis is biting.

Finally, the decision about price increases was presented to the Independent Supporters' Committee with very little notice and no consultation.  At the ISC meeting, the WHUST representative raised this with the Club and we urge it to involve the Trust and all fan groups in conversations about pricing so that the views of supporters can be represented at the earliest opportunity.